Discover the Stars in Your Team

Astrological Insights for HR

Professions suitable for the Astrology Chart calculated as "Personalized" on AstroCareer website. Professions in the database and potential professions are determined using artificial intelligence according to the competencies required for each profession.

HR Strategies Strengthened by Astrology

You can become a member as an institution to benefit from these special services. Fill out the corporate member application form from the New Member link and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Evaluate the Candidates by Their Stars

We offer a perspective on your organization's selection and placement processes, enriched with the horoscope information of the candidates. By combining the science of astrology with human resources terminology, we determine which positions they are more suitable for.

Discovering Innate Talents

Temperament is our innate personality traits. Dr. Carl Gustav Jung's personality types and Astrology studies have an important place in this field. Astrology can be an important tool in personal and professional development.

Get to Know Yourself and Your Team with the Stars

The report models we have prepared will help you recognize the temperament of you and your team and understand daily interactions. Discover the potentials in yourself and your team with Astrology in your career journey. It is an information center where professional standards are included and the competencies required for each profession are constantly updated. AstroCareer enables the determination of potential professions by taking the database and the qualifications therein as a reference.

O*NET in-it

This site incorporates information from O*NET Web Services by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA.